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+A little problem activating shaders
Hello. I've been having some trouble involving shaders.
My video card is pretty good, a NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500.
When i get on my setup -> options ingame, i check the shaders box. But when i do that, the toribash window just freezes and crashes. Then i have to open my task manager and close tb. I tried it again and again and again, but this happens all the time.
Is my video card good enough? If so, what am i supposed to do to activate my shaders? Please help, and sorry if i shouldn't be posting this here or whatever. I'm relatively new to the forums... ;P
I dont think its good enough to activate shaders. perhaps you can play with shaders but really slow, and not really enjoyable speed.
I recomend you to get a better graphic card (GeForce 8800 its ok id say) but also take in account other games to play not only TB.
Your graphics card doesn't support shaders afaik, but I have no idea why the game freezes, as it usually doesn't do that even when you don't support shaders.
Shaders too...
Well i have another problem but the same begin...
when i active shaders (nvidia 8200) the game runs perfectly except for the bar of time... i can see the time run but the bars of each player no... sometimes i can see it when a player with rare color enter (watergreen for example)
what can i do? shaders run very fine... but the detail...
(sorry for my poor english xD)
Migoles, it's a bug in the version, all you can do is wait for a next release where it'll be fixed.

In the meantime, you can see people that have custom timer colors so you may buy one from Torishop if you want.