Original Post
[Auction] Ancient Butterfly Set -- ZenBuddhistDog
Hello all,
This is my new Ancient Butterfly set.
Im not completely sure on a good price for it, so if this is too high or too low, please tell me.

Auction ends 24 hours after last interested voter has posted,
or when bidding hits 100k. After that point, it'd be pointless.

Here's the Set:

not shown:
Ground Tex.
made in same style, transparent other than green/red areas.

Textures shown in native 128x128px

Starting bid: 18k
Min. Raise 3k
Autobuy: 100k
Last edited by ZenBDog; Sep 9, 2009 at 12:55 AM.
<DjPz> I don't expect to have sex with the dolphins every time I visit them
lowered Starting Bid.
no one seemed interested.
<DjPz> I don't expect to have sex with the dolphins every time I visit them