i say fool when i drool
Crest1990 "If she gives you something i want half of it"
UKESLICER "I call a third!"
Crest1990 "You cant get a third! I get one half and he gets one half"
UKESLICER "I get half of your half"
Crest1990 "No you cant!"
UKESLICER "If its a brain you can have it cuz you need it"
Crest1990 "No i got one last christmas"
UKESLICER "From who?" "And dont say its me"
like 0.1 seconds later
Crest1990 "You!"
UKESLICER "..... lol"
I just knew that replay would be nothing short of awesome. I saw this topic, and said ''Oh, a Krin replay. This'll be good.''
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

I like replays where uke fights back but now when both players are manipulated to make the breaks easier.
It wasnt manipulated to make it easier, just to get the parts where they need to be to make the connection.

"I don't like multiplayer fights when both players are active and take advantage of an open spot! So cheap!"

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Last edited by Krin; Aug 15, 2007 at 06:56 PM.
No see, you smash your face into the oncoming blow. What I tend to do is each time it's the other person's turn to make a strike I relax all the other player, or cease manipulating their joints .
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bestfriendstaketurns.rpl (206.4 KB, 20 views)
Oh I see, well. To each their own, I suppose. There's no good or bad way to play TB I suppose.

I just like replays to flow cleanlike, allow everything to be visible and not just a ^ melee.
here is uke owning me
Attached Files
OMG UKE IS KILLING ME!.rpl (36.7 KB, 17 views)
Crest1990 "If she gives you something i want half of it"
UKESLICER "I call a third!"
Crest1990 "You cant get a third! I get one half and he gets one half"
UKESLICER "I get half of your half"
Crest1990 "No you cant!"
UKESLICER "If its a brain you can have it cuz you need it"
Crest1990 "No i got one last christmas"
UKESLICER "From who?" "And dont say its me"
like 0.1 seconds later
Crest1990 "You!"
UKESLICER "..... lol"