Original Post
[IMG]MY newest set
Hi this is my newest set made it just now

Cobra + quicksilver

the best i could do this set i want to know how much u think it cost?

here it is

u could use this avvy for this set

<<<<<<<<<<<<< "AAAAAA to much light"
srry i couldn't help myself

well i hope u like it
Random...also that sun thing is just a supernova in not big deal.
Also VERY sharp -_- and the legs..ahh the legs..._.

Centuries Of Damn
i know i need improvement thats my 2nd set

and i know its supernova with gimp darn,i make it like that cause i wanted like that
Last edited by JonNario; Oct 1, 2009 at 01:46 AM.
i think the set is vvery good the prob is the head and i know u like that middle hair thingy but not a god choice for this head plus it way to thick and blury