Original Post
The most best REPLAY EVER!
HEy guys i wanna Lead A competetion Which is the most best replay ever ,,, this comp will be about u Make a good move on single player that is a replay
and get it here but u'll ask even wats the prize , prize will be store cheap stuff LIKe orc blah blah choronos
OFC there will be a rich item will be a head texture
but head texture doesnt cost a vid but it cost tcs
The tcs will be 16k
Just type ur message and u'll be rockin i'll choose the best vid so please put it on youtube and type the link
i hope u'll be the winner GOODLUCK!
well i care
Wrong section, and there are already competitions like this.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time