Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Why was my topic Locked?

I thought General Discussion was for discussing everything and anything, what is the problem?

I am not asking this to be defiant but just to avoid my future topics from being locked without explanation.
Re: Why was my topic Locked?
no idea. It wasnt me.
It could be an accident or something. I will leave it locked incase a higher power has a reason ;) I'm sure you will find out soon enough.
I has a flavour
Re: Why was my topic Locked?
i dont know either, but to be honest it seems like a "lets start a topic to earn some credits" type of topic..
anything and everything doesnt imply to post just any crazy idea you get in your head, try to opt for something that can actually be discussed.. :
Re: Why was my topic Locked?
i like that topic it was were every one could talking about what they wanted in their own lives and not get bashed for it
*Lurking about*
Re: Why was my topic Locked?
i like that topic it was were every one could talking about what they wanted in their own lives

seriously? i just read the entire topic and didnt find one serious answer zzz
Re: Why was my topic Locked?
I said I wanted to have wings and have a monkey tail and be fluffy and yellow....and stuff..
<ducky> The game.
<siku> ducky: i didnt know this was 2005 and 4chan
<siku> sorry, i hate the game and you should shut the fuck up about that retarded bullshit
<siku> you should link us to awesome and edgy motivational pics next or maybe pedobear
<siku> inb4 rep needs toriprime or vip lmao rofl that /b/ is grate
<siku> is this the part where you educate me on memes, further showcasing your amazing 4chan findings
<siku> word x is a meme lmao rofl
<+veb> someone make ducky smod
Re: Why was my topic Locked?
I like silly and eccentric things, so I told a silly and eccentric story. If I wanted to just spam for credits there are easier ways of doing so but instead I tried to contribute to the community. Does everything have to be serious and informative, can't people just have fun and joke around?
Re: Why was my topic Locked?
Does everything have to be serious and informative, can't people just have fun and joke around?

no you are right. but i can also understand if the person who locked it maybe felt that even for a joke, content was on the light side..
i guess you'll have to continue your horns/wings/monkey tail conversation via PM's