Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Shop]Zen's Multipurpose Shop

Welcome to my shop.
I sell pretty much anything you'll pay me to do.
I'll do banners, avatars, signatures, heads (I'd prefer not to do heads alone), texture sets, and anything else you want me to do.

Some examples of my work include:

^ My old texture set logo.

Texture Sets:
Depends entirely on quality and how long it takes me to make.
Expect it to cost anywhere from 40k to 100k depending on the set.

Signatures and Avatars:
Again, depends on how long it takes.
Expect 2k to 10k(way high upper limit) for avatars,
and 5k to 15k for signatures.

No predetermined prices. It will look as good as you pay for.

I will accept items as payment, provided they are things i want.
I reserve the right to refuse service to whom i wish.

How to request:
Please fill out an application.
Requests without the application filled out completely and correctly will be ignored.


What Type of Art/Tex: e.g. Texture Set, Sig, etc...
Style of Request*: e.g. Demonic Clown, etc...
Main Colors**:
Quality You'll pay for:

* Feel free to go wild here.
you don't need to stay within the popular styles

** Please use toribash colors e.g. Raider, Cobra,
instead of "Dark Blue" or such.
Alternately, i'll use a hex or RGB value you give me.

Current Request List

I preview all textures in 128.128

<DjPz> I don't expect to have sex with the dolphins every time I visit them
What Type of Art/Tex: e.g. Texture Set, Sig, etc...:avvy
Style of Request*: demonic kinda jack see my avvy for more details
Main Colors**:black dark blue white
Quality You'll pay for:high quality
Timeframe:i will pay 4k
Visit my shop it has the best Items with the lowest prices!