Original Post
1 mil punch
Had to move Uke for this one.

I had a punch going that was going about 60m/s, and I spent a few hours moving Uke to the right position to be hit by it (there was no way to get it without moving him , but I believe it to be impressive anyway.

Hopefully you'll enjoy it

And, if you try to recreate this on the reverse engineering thing, I had the engange rotation set at -30.
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Kage1millionpunch.rpl (47.0 KB, 83 views)
Last edited by kageton; Sep 7, 2007 at 02:20 AM.
Is this a record? Nice punch. Even though you move uke, it was still pretty cool.
Tripstone says: heh
Tripstone says: clanless sucks
masterjepo says: Evolution isn't any better
masterjepo says: Cave man
When I first watched this at normal speed, I was like, hey wait a minute, did his hand even hit? Then I shift-p'ed through it and saw it was going so fast it went through. Good job.
Very nice punch. Fast, too. On a different note, you could check the record book and see if the speed of the punch breaks the speed record. (I have a wound to treat right now )
The 1 mil punch is slower than Dafe's 64.14m/s

But this isn't: 66.59m/s

Kinda sucks though, cause past 64m/s it just starts doing less damage 'cause it goes through the head too fast.
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kagefastestspeed.rpl (31.5 KB, 43 views)
Last edited by kageton; Sep 7, 2007 at 07:15 AM.
Kageton, you're insane, you know that? ^_^ (Which is listed under compliments in my dictionary.)
That punch = Pure awesome.
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