Original Post
Head Uploader Help
Ok, i justy got regged, but ui can't upload my head in the texturs menu, everything s greyed out, everything else works, just not the heads.
You need to put your registration key in your user CP.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
I did, It doesn't stay, the next time i look at it, the key is gone, but my in game limbs work fine.
Last edited by ZaneNutio; Sep 7, 2007 at 05:50 AM.
OK, go to http://www.toribash.com/forum/profil...do=editprofile
Go half way down the page and you will see a box that says "Toribash Registration Key"
Input your key in the box, like this example "1234-4567-8912-3456"
Leave the dashes in there.
Go down to the bottom of the page and click on save changes.

Try uploading your head now.

game limbs work fine.

Do you mean coloured joints/limbs, if so. They shouldnt be lol, because your key isnt in your profile.
Don't change my title you asshole
Originally Posted by Hawkinz View Post
OK, go to http://www.toribash.com/forum/profil...do=editprofile
Go half way down the page and you will see a box that says "Toribash Registration Key"
Input your key in the box, like this example "1234-4567-8912-3456"
Leave the dashes in there.
Go down to the bottom of the page and click on save changes.

Try uploading your head now.

Do you mean coloured joints/limbs, if so. They shouldnt be lol, because your key isnt in your profile.

It still doesn't work, I am trying to tell you, i already did that, if i go back to edit it again, its not there. The joints/limbs DO work, but i don't get tc from bouts, and the head uploader's opions stay greyed out.

is there a warm up period on it or somthig? because thats the only thing i can think of.
Ok, i sent him a PM, hope it works :/

I fixed it, I just did everything manualy... I hope the tc system workes, Feel free to lock or whatever this now.

Nope, nevermind, its still not workin....
Last edited by suomynona; Sep 8, 2007 at 03:04 AM. Reason: Post * 3
Yeah. Someone was kind enough to send me a PM on IRC about it.

Script is BORKED. Not working, gone to the Mountains. Whatever.

Shall be fixed soon. For now, please send me the key you have and I'll verify it then add it to your account.
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.