Original Post
[Request] Need a new head texture
I'm offering anywhere from 1k to 5k TC on a head with these settings:

Overall, I want a dark purple to match the rest of my body so...

Primary Color: Persia (or darker)
Secondary Color: Elf (or darker)
Style: Not overcomplicated, but not too simple either

Other: Demonic face

I'll be checking this post a few times a day, so just leave questions here. If for some reason or another I don't get to you, try PMing me, I'm horrible at keeping track of my posts, but I always see a new PM =)
<Skulfuk> I'm a rapist? I prefer to call it "surprise sex"
Hey, could you make that purple a bit darker? Other than that I love it =D

Oh, and by "a bit" darker, I mean about this dark.

EDIT: It wont let me post for some reason... Anyway, Usurper:

Sorry, but I'm looking for someone with more experience, no offense =) Although I do like your hothead one, it won't work with my set.
Attached Files
1my guy O_o.rpl (68.2 KB, 14 views)
Last edited by wadjet2; Nov 10, 2009 at 11:22 PM.
<Skulfuk> I'm a rapist? I prefer to call it "surprise sex"
could i recoolor/revamp my Neonyte Head?
clicky mah siggy to see it, as im at school and dont have access to my spinnies to post them here.
------Oh, and by "a bit" darker, I mean about this dark.
if it to my head you could just try it before buying i can not post full image but by mail u may get full file
and what dark? i dont see something what did you mean?
by the way- how much?
Last edited by ManiacaSan; Nov 11, 2009 at 10:07 AM.
Maniaca, I'll buy it for 5k as it is. I'll make edits to it if it's not dark enough I guess. I really like that head though =D

TC being sent right now.
<Skulfuk> I'm a rapist? I prefer to call it "surprise sex"
you are tooooo fast with money )
this is full image: http://s44.radikal.ru/i103/0911/ff/3b0bdcdaf2c6.gif
see head ful may be some must be changed
darker i l do...
i getting back money-first work then money )

it is darker now
Last edited by ManiacaSan; Nov 12, 2009 at 07:43 AM.
Originally Posted by ManiacaSan View Post
fresh head

Im sorry, but I solemnly swear that I saw this head on auction a while ago.
I like it, ManiacaSan. To be honest, I like the light version the most. I changed my body colors so it fits.

So do we have a deal on the first version?

(Thanks for sending me back the TC so fast. Oops)
<Skulfuk> I'm a rapist? I prefer to call it "surprise sex"