Some make textures, Sell them and earn tc.

Play in tournaments with big prizes.

Do some quizes which gives plenty of tc.

Get a booster.

Buy tc.
i dont think there are a easy way (whell not fast) to make tc without buying them. the people that have HUGE amount of tc is usually in nabi or something who can get themselves as much as they want.

you can sell stuff in the market, buy low and sell high. or if you are good at art you can enter in art competitions. practise your toribash skills, and then you can enter in game competitions too. you can make avatars and textures and sell them. but the easiest way, as always, is buying.

welcome to toribash! enjoy jour stay!
Swedish Viking
Originally Posted by Zip0 View Post
Some make textures, Sell them and earn tc.

Play in tournaments with big prizes.

Do some quizes which gives plenty of tc.

Get a booster.

Buy tc.

Originally Posted by Splinter View Post
Make art, win tourneys/competitions etc.

thank you, i will try to make textures
Personally, I find the best way to make money is to play the Market. Buy low sell high. It takes a fair amount of work and patience but pays off, well.
I make all my cash through tourneys. Just play the game. Get good. Enter tourneys. Sooner or later you will win one.

High prized competitions such as replay comps will get you 20k tc or more, but they do require waiting on a final judging which can take a month. I have entered a replay for a comp, forgot about the comp, and then a month later recieved tc because I got first place. Its a rather suprising and convenient reward.