Original Post
Digging out some replays...
I don't often post replays in the public area, but I felt like tossing some out...

1. Shoop[EDIT] - Using Dafe's experimental spherical4 script, I made this killing shoop. Its an awesome kick even without the script.

2. Oddstyle - I'm not super good in SP, but I do have a style of hanging steady for a while before I break uke. This is the best example.

3. ProllyDoneB4 - I'm sure this decap has been done, but I like how it looks.

4. UnderachieverDecap - Its a lazy-ish decap. For all you slackers out there.

5. WushuExperimental - Attempt at a variation of Dafe's wushu uppercut. Done all in wushu settings and in one "take". (Most of my replays are one shot, actually) I probably can make a decap out of it, but I haven't tried. (Feel free to)

6. HeadcatchFTW - Caught my head very low to ground to win in MP. Check out the reaction (emote) of my opponent.

7. IfYourAimIsTrue - In this MP match, I kicked at and broke the wrist of my zombie arm to cause a win.

8. HowToHumiliateNoobs - I did this in Demo judo. Not pwnage or anything, just showing off wushu style in judo for some demo-ers. I'd imagine being kicked across the face is slightly embarrassing...

Thats enough for now. Thanks for watching. I've never gotten much response from my replays, but if you like them, feel free to drop off a comment. Thanks =D
Last edited by Dikarika; Apr 11, 2008 at 02:17 AM.
"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
owned ! Got any tips for a noob lioke me for decaps or any cool moves or any demo server ip (i canīt find any)
Last edited by splatter; Sep 17, 2007 at 05:07 PM.