Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Well, just in case...
Just in case anyone else on the forums celebrates tomorrow by eating a shit ton of food and ignoring the systematic ruin of an entire people and culture in the name of "freedom" happy times doing that to you all. Almost every Native American died for a reason after all, for us to get fat and lazy and have a bad image with the rest of the world...[sarcasm]It was GODS WILL![/sarcasm]

I think Im missing the spirit of the day. Call me a pessimist but Thanksgiving is stupid and kinda like spitting on the memory of all the Indians murdered and raped and etc... aside from the fact that I get to see my Family.

Inb4 "Rawr Amurica is teh best land evar!@!!1 If U dun lik3 it, get teh HeLLLLLL out! On1y p4nsi3s worry about damned injuns!" or any such sentiment.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Rawr Amurica is teh best land evar!@!!1 If U dun lik3 it, get teh HeLLLLLL out! On1y p4nsi3s worry about damned injuns

I kid of course, ya we are kinda spiting on them but it's not necessarily about yay we killed Native Americans, it was supposed to be thanking the lord (don't care about him) for everything someone might have been blessed with or for having a good harvest and somehow it just turned into a one day gluttony fest. It was more like we spit in their face by saying "Thanks for the food, can we have the land to? No? Then we will kill you for it." It may be a stupid holiday but I won't complain about getting off school.
iCoF l OLDA l OoT
Originally Posted by deady View Post
Just in case anyone else on the forums celebrates tomorrow by eating a shit ton of food and ignoring the systematic ruin of an entire people and culture in the name of "freedom" happy times doing that to you all. Almost every Native American died for a reason after all, for us to get fat and lazy and have a bad image with the rest of the world...[sarcasm]It was GODS WILL![/sarcasm]

I think Im missing the spirit of the day. Call me a pessimist but Thanksgiving is stupid and kinda like spitting on the memory of all the Indians murdered and raped and etc... aside from the fact that I get to see my Family.

Inb4 "Rawr Amurica is teh best land evar!@!!1 If U dun lik3 it, get teh HeLLLLLL out! On1y p4nsi3s worry about damned injuns!" or any such sentiment.

Quoted and bolded for truth. Also, Rawr! Amurica is teh best land evar!@!!1 If U dun lik3 it, get teh HeLLLLLL out! On1y p4nsi3s worry about damned injuns!
Eh, I'm native and I don't really think of it that way. My family doesn't, either. We just take the time to get together and eat some food. Celebrate stuff. I dunno. I know my ancestors got dicked over, but it's not like we're going to be able to invalidate the Louisiana Purchase or something.
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my dads family is native and my moms is irish and german....some people got killed got kicked out of their homes, i feel bad for them, but not much i can do so there is no point in hating people for no reason and is no reason in not eating loads of pie and food ^_^
eh, I dont know, maybe Im just too negative. I DO enjoy seeing my family though, so thats one good thing the day does.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.