Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
New farthest accurate throw, 9000 distance!!!
Title of Record: Farthest Accurate Throw
Date: 9-24-2007
Measurement of Record: 9000 distance
Relevant Settings: Dismember Threshold: 100
Mods Used: None

I just have to say this: Owned, Dafe!
Last edited by Andri; Apr 6, 2008 at 06:13 PM.
1. I made the old record while I was just sweeping records. This one in particular was one I left a lot of room on.

2. The throw misses. You moved Uke.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
I did test it, and it doesn't hit. Which is why I said that. It lands behind him. You can actually stretch this record for more. But do it properly, or your record won't count.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
hmmm i just tested it, it only misses because uke falls, and it did go right over his head. therefore the moving uke is to show how accurate it is. That was pretty fucking awsome btw
Dafe is right even if the uke move by it self or Andri moved it, It still misses i tested it my self.