Original Post
[Vid] switchback
I been made this,I'm just posting this you see what you guys think

An intelligent man lives for the moment and plans for the future. A wise man lives like he is already dead. Which one are you?
8/10 Overall.
  • The sync is nice.
  • Good effects.
  • Good replays.
Try using slow motion or some times high speed.
I liked it, nice sync and replays.
The only thing i would have done was /lp somebody as your uke.
bring back wibbles
Huge improvement compared to your last ones, but there was too much shaking going on in this video IMO. Some parts were a bit choppy, especially with the light flashes.

Other than that, everything is great.
The only improvment is making the affects and music more in sync with the movement of tori/uke

but I still love most of it 8/10
Originally Posted by DeeJayy741 View Post
Huge improvement compared to your last ones, but there was too much shaking going on in this video IMO. Some parts were a bit choppy, especially with the light flashes.

Other than that, everything is great.

What he said!
But I like it. Kept me entertaining till the end.