Original Post
Easy but nice split
I have a really wierd split Uke split.rpl

demo settings:

Hold all
Left Rotating Chest
Extending Right Pecs
Contracting Left Pecs
Contracting Right Glute
Contracting Left Glute
Contracting Right Hip
Extending Left Hip

Right Rotating Chest
Contracting Abs
Extending Right Glute
Extending Left Glute
Contracting Right Knee
Extending Left Ankle

Extending Right Knee

or a replay
Attached Files
first split.rpl (36.9 KB, 15 views)
Last edited by Zinkon; Sep 30, 2007 at 12:07 PM.
Wow, cool kick. Itīs easy to add something like decap pr madman after it. Great kick. I made this with that kick.
Attached Files
ty from the kick zinkon.rpl (55.0 KB, 18 views)
Zinkon, you are well on your way. Just try to remember...when doing a madman the "r" and "e" buttons are very very important. At the least, i edit my replays for about a half an hour. It's taken me over an hour a few times. Also be careful not to over edit, The frames get messed up and you end up not being able to use it.
Last edited by Pirate_old; Apr 5, 2008 at 01:02 AM.
Destroy anything, and eveything you get those grippy hands on

EDIT: I <3 this opener.
Last edited by Pirate_old; Apr 5, 2008 at 01:02 AM.