Original Post
Hour hand - Minute hand
I am a newbie, however, the below move of mine was surprisingly nice

I hope u like it:

*** engage distance: 150 ***

Relax shoulders, ankles, hips, abs
extend pecs
contract knees
space x 2

space x 6

contract pecs, abs, hips
rise shoulders
extend knees
grab hands
space x 20
(here you will see hour hand & minute hand )

extend hips
space x 5

lower shoulders
contract hips, knees
P (and finish as you wish)
Originally Posted by MasterOfGnomes View Post
I like what I see. Stick it on the wiki!

and what would be the "wiki"? Ya know I said I was a newbie
Hellaicious move, man. At the end, I went 21 frames, then did as you said. At the end, I extended knees, tear off the head and separating the legs from the torso.

Very Nice!
Originally Posted by Racac View Post
Hellaicious move, man. At the end, I went 21 frames, then did as you said. At the end, I extended knees, tear off the head and separating the legs from the torso.

Very Nice!

thx! I tried what you wrote, and liked what I saw