Original Post
[REQ] Floor Decal/Avatar and Clan siggy
I would like a floor decal/avatar for my account. I would like it to do something with my clan "Sexy". I will pay depending on how well I like it and how good it's quality is. Try to make it for about 10k, which is what I would be most willing to pay for a really good one. You can make it be a pic of my tori (which you can /dl and /lp), or whatever you want as long as it looks good. Also it does not even need to be toribash related, and doesn't HAVE to do with the clan. Bonus points if it has to do with the clan though. Also a lot of points if it's animated.(Not anime style, animated as in movement/animation)

I would also like a Clan Siggy, of course it has to do with my clan, called Sexy. This siggy will be used by anyone in my clan. I'd like the theme to be Sexy to. Maybe my tori doing a sexy pose showing his hand(It says sexy, just look at it), or anything that you can think of. I'll be willing to pay 25k for a really good one. I might pay higher or lower depending on how well I like it.

NOTE: Please, if your gonna use something... well put it this way, if you use pornagraphy, keep it to a minimal that won't get me or you in trouble. Lingerie might be pushing it even. A pic you used from your playboy subscription is most likely to be overboard. So keep that in mind. I don't feel like getting banned, so anything that I get, that I feel could get me in trouble, I'll be sending to an Admin/Moderator to see whether it's acceptable to use or not. ALSO I will definetly will not pay as much for something that is "like that I mentioned above".

NOTE2: The prices stated above are based on if I see them as really good and something that I extremely like. The prices I may offer could be much lower, or even much higher.
Last edited by JesseD; Dec 19, 2009 at 07:52 AM.
Originally Posted by Murmayder View Post
I swear that wasn't there before.

Lol it was, I added NOTE2 right after your post though. Anyway can't wait to see what you make, please PM it to me when you've finished.