Original Post
Auction Set !! good price
Demon set
Price : 45k

Aspire set
Price : 65 k

Tiger set ( trail not include )
price : 25 k

Void blazer set
Price : 60k

The life is an eternal battle when the only escape is death ...
eeeee the Tiger set is not worth it in my opinion :/ the strips can easily be made and the face i can take from google image o,o

But i hve to say tht void set is GG
i don't need your opinion i sell set and if you say it's for buy one set
The life is an eternal battle when the only escape is death ...
And ? set by kyat buy per me and sell per me --" big just noob
The life is an eternal battle when the only escape is death ...
to sell a set made by another person u need,ask him if u can sell it, and put his name on It , dont call me a noob cuz im not the noob here, its you
..... Iz wasting the Tori Prime , because i can.
I am closing this thread. You aren't given proper respect to the artists who made the set and as megadoomer stated, you didn't send an end date.

If you think you shouldn't have an end date, I would imagine you should revise using the word "auction."

Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!