Original Post
[IMG]Fake stereo picture
Attention: Be carefull. It can damage your eyes :P

How it works??

PS: Don't look at monitor too close... Picture looks better when you're far form it
Last edited by BeastLEE; Dec 23, 2009 at 09:55 PM.
My eyes seek reality...
Try to slant your eyes to each other... >_< - like this smile :3

PS: But if you have stereo-glasses you should look here:
My eyes seek reality...
Thats pretty good, though better instructions could have been given.
Also, you might want to try different distances, i personally found it hard to focus my eyes on the middle person, due to them being too far apart.
Делается это просто:
Скриншот чела, потом сдвигаете камеру чуть-чуть в сторону строго по горизонтали. Остается лишь подогнать картинки рядом. Эта картинка дает глубину, а если поменять местами скриншоты, то получим выпученный обьем.
До этого не трудно догадаться, т.к. принцип очень похож с тем, что используют киношники для сьёмки стерео. Разница лишь в том, что глаза косить не нужно - за вас это делают очки с поляризованными стеклами ;)

English, speak it. You have been warned.
Last edited by Mapleleaf; Dec 23, 2009 at 11:30 PM.
My eyes seek reality...
Its simple to create it:
Shoot the screen then rotate camera horisonral a bit and shoot again. Stuck it at pic.editor. Enjoy
Also you can google and translate a russian advanced tutor above
As I said: Don't look at monitor too close... Picture looks better(easier) when you're far form it
Last edited by BeastLEE; Dec 23, 2009 at 11:42 PM. Reason: PS
My eyes seek reality...
Since alot of people are saying that they don't get it or didn't see anything, I'll tell you what you should see.

You go cross-eyes and the images kind of duplicate and those duplicates seem to come together in to one, forming the 3 images. Then you focus one the middle one, and it becomes slightly smaller than the other 2, but also seems to pop out, or seem to be 3D. It's very nice if you manage to do it right.
T1cux: clan have eggs.