Original Post
[DSC] Ultimate Death Ninjas of Death (UDNOD)
Clan Story
It was a dark and cold night as NinjaaKillaa walked along the cliffs above the sea. Suddenly he dropped to the floor as an arrow flew inches above his head. He turned around to see a band of mercenaries drawing their swords and running towards him. Popping to his feet he got into his stance, legs shoulder width apart and arms held out at his sides. "Here comes the pain!" he yelled, before dropping into the "2 Edged Crane" stance. This move had been passed down through the ages, and was known to be unbeatable if it was pulled off correctly. The mercs closed in and NinjaaKillaa sprung into action. He took out 3 with snap kick decaps before noob-clapping the last one. As the dust settled, he saw the mercenaries back-up arriving. It was a whole army. As good as he was, NinjaaKillaa knew that this was too much for him to handle on his own. He ran to the nearby city to gather some allies. Thus the Ultimate Death Ninjas of Death were founded

Clan Rules
- No flaming
- No scamming
- Be friendly to everyone
- No being a massive noob
- We will work a bit like the Church of Scientology, more on that will be explained to members
- You have to be active, both ingame and on the forums



Want to Join?
If you want to join the ranks of the Ultimate Death Ninjas of Death, please post the following things with your application:
-Time Playing Toribash
-Why you want to join us
-Best Mod


Death Plague

Clan Bank: 200k and CHRONOS relax
Last edited by Ninjaakillaa; Dec 26, 2009 at 04:39 AM.
-Belt= White
-Time Playing Toribash= 1 week(been fiddling around with single player)
-Why you want to join us= You guys are an epic clan and i like the name
-Age= 15
-Best Mod= Wushu
-Religion= Muslim
Originally Posted by Cawkmongah View Post
-Belt= White
-Time Playing Toribash= 1 week(been fiddling around with single player)
-Why you want to join us= You guys are an epic clan and i like the name
-Age= 15
-Best Mod= Wushu
-Religion= Muslim

Cool, you're in
-Belt - green I think
-Time Playing Toribash - like lots, but only sp
-Why you want to join us - because I love the dsc, and seems a pretty decent one.
-Age - 19
-Best Mod - judofrac/aikido
-Religion - none.
Originally Posted by qwertMan View Post
-Belt - green I think
-Time Playing Toribash - like lots, but only sp
-Why you want to join us - because I love the dsc, and seems a pretty decent one.
-Age - 19
-Best Mod - judofrac/aikido
-Religion - none.

Nice, you're definitely in
Belt: Yellow
Time Playing Toribash: Not so much in game, but I joined 06/07/2009. I can do more multiplayer if you want.
Why you want to join us: Looks like a good clan. Also, it has an awesome name ;).
Age: 16
Best Mod: Judo/Aikido
Religion: N/A
Boat is slow and likes men.