Original Post
[SET] A Set I made

What Do u think about this set guyz? is it worth selling? or just a piece of crap??

I wanna get comment here before i put it on market and in seconds i get spammed by some ppl about how i am not talented and ff off -__- So yeah guyz comment on this set and plz do tell what u really think about it

And Also what can i improve on this set

ty <3
Last edited by Apozke; Dec 26, 2009 at 10:41 AM.
good overall, but the head and the feet do not match with the body. 6.5/10 because you could improve of color fluidity nice set
Ty Oh Btw If i fix it and make it look better woudl u trade it for a Flames from ur auction?

Or not even close?
Ty A Lot For Both of ur comments and its gonna help me fix it tmrw Mourning! for now ima go watch American Pie 1/2/ The Wedding woot xD tyy
Dx thts 2 bad haha =3 i went 2 blockbuster 2 get them earlier 2day xP haven't seen it, and i was told it was quite good so yeah :S hope i like it
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I was so kind and added them for you, but next time the thread will be closed.

Merry (belated) Christmas.