Original Post
DSC Elites
In the year 2553, after the UNSC-Covenant war, a company of Elite Zealots were plotting a course to sanghelios when suddenly,a wormhole came to be in front of them. At first, they thought it was nothing, but then, they were starating to be pulled in. Their courageous leader, NeoArbiter, and the Zealots tried to fight the wormhole's gravitational poles. But they failed and were forced into a tunnel of sprialing lights. As this happened, they all blacked out and the ship went into a dimension, a curious one.
Clanless :(
In the process of entering the Toribash Dimension, there DNA was transformed into humaniod-like creatures, Toris. As they search for a way home, they fight anyone who stand in there way to finding a way back home.



Leader: Neoarbiter0926
Clanless :(
As they search for a way home, they fight anyone who stand in there way to finding a way back home.

Epic quote, sigged.

Also, reported, read the rules and try again.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
There's already a clan called "Elite",
So i don't think its a good idea to call your clan Elites

EDIT:Sidieldani,I lol'd at your sig

-Some form of stated government to handle clan decisions.

-50k (50000) tc I feel there are too many clans being made way too quickly. Hopefully the increase will discourage it. A clan isn't something you're supposed to make on a whim.

-A clan tag, such as [Bncy] or [CBK] or [Torigod]. Try to keep these short, long tags are obnoxious.

-The clan DSC should be up for at least a week before sending in an application.

-At least 4 members.


1. First off, make a thread about your clan. The thread name should be [DSC] plus your clan name. Include a memberlist, clan aim, and any sort of organization/rules you might have planned out. This is to prevent clans from running rampant and to prevent chaos from ensuing.

In order to make sure clans don't put people on their roster without their consent, or make up clan members, all members must have posted atleast once in the clan thread.

2. When you're ready, you'll send me (Delaid) the following.

-50k tc

This is the form your app should follow:

-the name of your clan
-how many members you have at the time of sending application. (You must have at least 4.)
-your clan tag
-a link to your [DSC] thread (Your DSC must be at least one week old.)
-any moderators you want for the board (up to 3, including the leader)
-the main leader's name CLEARLY DISPLAYED (Red and bold should do the trick.)
-any external forums you will be using (if any)

3. Once I receive the money, it will go into council for voting. After the council has decided, if your clan is deemed official, the board will be made. If you are rejected however, you will only receive 30k back. This is to prevent you from just making the clan without thinking.

4. We will now go around and check on forum activity. If a clan is inactive for more than a week, a clan admin (LtKenny, Eleeleth, Cindermomo, Lightningkid, or myself) will post in your forum questioning your activity. If we do not get an answer from a clan member in a week, your clan will be rendered dead and have your forum removed.


-You should make sure you have a good number of members (4 is the minimum) before you make your clan. The tc WILL NOT be refunded if it falls apart.

-Passworded subforums will only be given to clans that have been official for 6 months. The cost is 40k for a private one. Don't let the password leak or else things get messy.

-Please allow 2 weeks for your clan to be discussed. That's usually how long it takes.

Please follow this form, and make a proper DSC after meeting all the proper requirements. I will close this for now.
Back in my day...