Original Post

Requesting a cheap banner in about 1 week


well you do no that there are soo many clans being made at the moment but i promise you this wont be a

-Spam clan
-Failed clan
-A noob clan
-A bad clan

-Main Requirements-

[]At Least blackbelt or 900+ qi
[]Must have more then 100 post on forum


fill out this form in this correct format if you would like to join.

Past clans:
Why you left or got kicked out:
If You Would like to donate to clan bank if we dont make it ill send back the tc u donated)
Age 12 or older)
At least 1 single player replay must include a decap or split other dismembers are fine if you have on of those
Can you make textures or videos etc:








video artists-
Alert242(only video artists not joining clan) (Confirmed)

Were Ub3r thats all people know since everyone thats seen us has never came back alive.

Clan Bank-Dexxy
5,000TC Moomin
5,000TC Shenyan

[]Become oficial
[]Become a good clan
[]To last more then 4 months
[]Last more then a year

Clan Allies-~-
Confirmed by Kruschev
Confirmed by jesseD

(Requesting)~[Death Plague]

Clan Enemys-~-

Indivisual Allies-~-
*(All indivisual allies will recieve free robotic head texture requests)*

Alert242:Reason~ For being nice and helpfull to the clan

Indivisual Enemys/Blacklist-~-
Last edited by Dexxy; Jan 13, 2010 at 11:08 PM.
Well, this clan has some promise.

You might want to add a clan aim, a clan story and you should change the font a bit. It makes it look a little messy.
nice Dsc hope you can make it

/btw you might need to add some allys and enemies or something like a Black list
<Aeon><Master Belt><Gamers Inc.><RMO><GERMAN Unibash Manager>
^-^Join My Fan Club^-^Aeon Elite Video^-^
Join Aeon
Spaft|Vipertech|Chirs|Jormungandr|SocKeTe|threedog 2|Habeeb|SXDave
Name: Shenyan
Past clans: Virus,Velocity, P-Type, AoD, Cookie, Ninja Metal,Misfitz
Age: 16
Can you make textures or videos etc: Yes
Extra: My last clan was Misfitz in which is now dead,I'v played for about 3 years, I had a tori before this but I don't know the password or Name of him anymore, I made a clan once but them died when school started up again,I am good at any mod and it only takes me a few tries to make it work if I have not played it before, I play about 3 times a day, I want to join your clan because ,A: I need some people to play with, and B: Because I see there is not that many people in it

posted by shenyan in pm shenyan you are in pnly on account of u being almost 2nd dan

deadbeat i have more then 97 so basically i got 100
yet another belt based clan. I do realize you don't want any 'unexpirienced' players in your clan. But what about those awesome brown belts who always hang out in wushu servers? They deserve a chance. (also, widening your member possiblities). good luck.

PS. You let a guy in, simply because he is a 2nd Dan. for all you know, he could be a jerk or terrible at the game.

PPS. Define a "noob" clan.