Original Post
[Ferro]'s Coming back!
How about a fresh start eh?

What if I gave you a cookie? If you want to tryout to join clan Ferro Dita, come on down!

We are nice and empty, but with your help, you can make our official clan actualy look official!

I'll warn you though. Just because we need members doesn;t mean I'm going to make letting people in less hard. It's the same complicated joining system. But if you know you can make it in, try us out.

Good luck TBer's

Name: FastGuy123 in real life philip
Age: 15
Gender: male
Belt: orange but almost green my other account got hacked but i was 9th Dan
Favorite Mode: Judo,akido,mushu,ninjutsu,and boxing
Favorite Mod: I like all of them
What can you provide to make Ferro-Dita a better clan: I can provide skill in modding,graphics,skill,scripting,and customization. Thank you for your time. from: FastGuy123 ;)