Original Post
Farthest Accurate Glute Cannon
For those of you who don't know, "glute cannon" is the term I give the glitch where a glute with no leg tends to launch itself from it's owner at high speeds. This is not generally allowed for most records (speed records particularly), but this record is specific to it.

The object of this record is simply to hit uke with a glute cannon shot at the farthest distance possible.

And here it is: my new record. The distance is 30,000 cm. That's 300 m, or about 3 soccer fields put together.

At this range, it is difficult to see what's going on. The best way is to leave the camera at the center, and rotate it to find uke. You can see the shot hit uke in the left shoulder/pec, doing 1106 damage, nothing special, but it hits.
Attached Files
#glute cannon sniper 2.rpl (42.8 KB, 174 views)
Last edited by Million; Oct 18, 2007 at 08:31 PM.
Generally, the easiest way is to remove one leg, and extend the glute as far as it will go, then hold it. Sometimes you need to relax it first.
What, you want me to walk you step by step through how to beat my record? I'm not sure you understand the concept.

You might as well ask some of the other record holders how to beat their records while you're at it.
No, you dont understand, im not participating. -_-
I'm just asking you HOW to do the Glute Cannon. If someone wants people to do something he should at least give proper instructions shouldn't he?
I did. I said what it takes to set the record, and I explained how the glitch actually works. The rest can be done in many ways and is up to whoever tries it, I'm not gonna say exactly how to do it, that would defeat the purpose :/
Jirachimaru, find a way to remove a leg so that the glute remains attached to the body. Then, extend the legless glute all the way, and then tense/hold it. This will usually cause a glitch, causing the glute to break off and fly away at high speed. It tends to fly in the direction caused by extending it.
Very nice mil
Last edited by doctor-dendrite; Oct 19, 2007 at 12:29 AM.