Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
And then my computer rebooted!
So I've been away for awhile. Checking the (regular) wiki for Toribash revealed 3.0 was to be released soon and would once more be free. I check the site and, as it turned out, the wiki was outdated. So I make the :emot-awesome: face like the goon I am and download.

Install went swimmingly, but when I ran the program itself... the PC froze and then promptly rebooted. When it came to, an error box popped up declaring that windows had recovered from a 'serious system error' - when I clicked for more details, this is what I saw:

BCCode : 1000008e BCP1 : 80000004 BCP2 : 806EAAD1 BCP3 : A96E2DA8
BCP4 : 00000000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 2_0 Product : 768_1

That means jack-all to me, but maybe someone more technically-minded can work it out. As for my system itself, it's barely two months old, a dual-core, and no video card as of yet (woo rocking onboard x.x). So I'm pretty sure the problem's with the program itself.

From what I've seen, Tori 3.x starts with shaders disabled, so the problem shouldn't lie there. I can't see how it WOULD. So I'm left baffled and sad that I can't make an ass of myself in front of people like I used to. Anyone know what the devil is going on?
Dude, don;t double post please .. obviously we have no idea how to fix your problem

Send an email to [email protected] They have a team of people standing by to help with the problem we dont know how to fix.
Don't change my title you asshole