Original Post
Problems with Environment Modding...
If you think that this is like some threads like "HOW DO I UES TEH WOLRDBUIDLER!!?", or "WHER IZ TEH WROLDBUYLDER!!?" or other noobish questions, you are absolutely wrong. Well, these maybe kinda noobish questions, but I can't find answers for them...

The first question: I have made weapons, but mass 0.1 is too heavy for them... So I put the mass to 0. But when I start to play that environment where is weapons, the weapons just disappear. Is it a glitch or have I done something wrong?

2.: I can't sometimes put fine movement on with Caps Lock... So it's pretty annoying to do environments because the objects just bounces off ofthe other objects if they are a bit inside others... Or they are a bit in air, so when I start to play that mod, they'll fall.

3. My cat scratches my legs. What should I do?

Mehh... I have probably forgot something lol.

I'll answer to YOUR questions the best I can, if they are made to help me (and maybe others).

Off to school... I'll be back in GMT 1300.
1. make it 0.05 or if u want it ultra light without the '0' bug, then make it 0.000000000000000000000000000000001 ur not limited to one decimal place.

2. thats why i use notepad to make mods. you have more power over your mod.

3. kill ur cat/get steel pants.

4. hmm... there is no 4. D=
1) Next version will have finer resolution for mass adjustment, for now just open the tbm in notepad and change mass manually to something like .001

2) I have ran into that once also, but couldn't figure out why that happened that one time. I'll keep looking at it.
 ____  _____  __  __  _  _  ___  _  _ 
(  _ \(  _  )(  )(  )( \( )/ __)( \/ )
 ) _ < )(_)(  )(__)(  )  (( (__  \  / 
(____/(_____)(______)(_)\_)\___) (__) 
The Caps Lock thing doesn't always happen, so it doesn't tease much.

But thanks! ^^ The mass thing was the main part of the thread.

EDIT: I Found another liten problem.

4 (it came, Jam! =o): Seems that I can't load an environment... When I type EXACTLY the name of the mod what I want to change, there isn't that environment what I wanted to show up. What is going on...? =o
Last edited by Tonakai; Oct 30, 2007 at 06:41 PM. Reason: Found another problem.
When i make a mod and press space once, every object dissapears =O
what am i doing wrong? posted this in the Art-session 2 but i found that there was this 2, sorry for that...
Tha BAWZ need no introduction!
read my first post in this thread jamzam...

tonakai, have you moved it to ur mod folder yet?
i think it exports in the script folder.
Guys, you would get answers a lot quicker (and probably more answers) if you just posted in the World Builder thread, located in the mods board
Don't change my title you asshole
Tonakai: Are you trying to load the mod from wordbuilder.lua or the mod menu? If it's from the script, the mod needs to be in the script folder to load. If in the mod menu, it needs to be in the mod folder.
Originally Posted by Hawkinz View Post
Guys, you would get answers a lot quicker (and probably more answers) if you just posted in the World Builder thread, located in the mods board

Woops sorry Hawkinz lol. Didn't see that thread >.<

Originally Posted by DaMehMan View Post
Tonakai: Are you trying to load the mod from worldbuilder.lua or the mod menu? If it's from the script, the mod needs to be in the script folder to load. If in the mod menu, it needs to be in the mod folder.

I first load the worldbuilder.lua... So it has to be in the scripts folder. Thanks for help. ^^

Originally Posted by Jam0864
read my first post in this thread jamzam...

tonakai, have you moved it to ur mod folder yet?
i think it exports in the script folder.

I moved it to mod folder. But DaMehMan solved that problem, so no need to talk about it anymoar.

Thanks everyone for your help... That's all what I had.
Oh, you dont have to post there. Im just saying next time you might get more responses seeing it gets bumped tonnes.
Don't change my title you asshole