Original Post
+Lost my items-
Yo, i had a deal with a guy named BlackDemon. He sended me the 3k tc for Marine force
Marine relax and
Gaia Primary Gradient
So i transfared the items but i accidently typed: ''Here'' In the box where i should have typed BlackDemon
So he got his tc back but i lost my items, is there something to do. And sorry if im typing this in the wrong thread. Me need help nao
Well, as i was searching for the name ''Here''. It told me there were one named that and that he was offline. This is really annoying me and no admins are helping yet.
I guess i just need to be Patient .

How you managed that is beyond me. ':-/

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you