Original Post
About photoshop...
Is there a way i can get Photoshop for free?

If i cant ill have to wait until christmas to get it,

if this is a stupid question sorry to take your time!

Aff you hack

Yes of course! Because you asked so politely I'm sure Adobe will automatically send you a copy of their program their selling for no charge! /sarcasm

No, no you can't. Please, don't ask if you can get something for free when it's an item that's being sold. It sounds incredibly dumb, and it's just asking for warez.

Get gimp. It's open souce and free. (And better)
I'm not insane... just a sane person in an insane world!
Originally Posted by NutHug View Post
Wait..... photoshop .... christmas ?

Photoshop is like 1000$

Yeah, that too! XD

Just get gimp

I'm not insane... just a sane person in an insane world!
Actually, GIMP + GIMPshop is about the best you can do as far as power vs pricing vs ease of use goes.


GIMPshop win32 build:

Basically, GIMPshop gives photoshops look-and-feel and arrangement to gimp, making the photoshop to gimp transition a whole hell of a lot easier.
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I don't think this thread should go any further...

Sepulcher, any way of getting a free photoshop is illegal, so get gimp, or if you're willing to pay $650, buy photoshop.
There was a photoshop basic version on digg a while back.
It was freely distributed by adobe, but I can't seem to find it again.
凸[◣_◢]凸 PRAISE LID 凸[◣_◢]凸 FUCK THA HATERS 凸[◣_◢]凸 PUT THIS IN YO SIG IF U DOWN 凸[◣_◢]凸
never heard of gimpshop but i do use gimp. for no reason at all. Just for fun

im really bad at it Xd
Friend: "ya? well my grandpa fought in wwii" Me: "well i beat dragonforce on expert" Friend: ""
yes, there is a way, but im not telling you CUZ ITS FREAKIN ILLEGAL!!!

but GIMP is the best option here.....