Original Post
[Request] School newspaper layout (120k+ prices)
I want you to create a 2480x3508 pixel layout (a4 paper)

It have to look something like this

Where the black part is where the layout (Which you design) is. The layout will be used on every page except the front page.
Leave a big room for text in the middle.
(award 100k)

You also have to design a simple logo where it says "Skoleavisa" which means "School newspaper" in Norwegian
This logo must be 1000x400 pixels
(award 20k)

I don't want any flashy pen design, I want some simple stuff that will fit into a school newspaper.

Please read everything well before you get to buisness
If the prices looks too bad I can easily add alot of tcs to the pot.

This request may be closed without warning. But is sure to last out this week atleast.

Can we have some school history? As in are you the goldbugs, racers, bulls, ect. Or just the schools name?

Edit: Also, Ezeth this wouldn't happen to be homework would it? (If so, then I most likely would be out.)
Last edited by JinxZ; Feb 10, 2010 at 12:02 AM.


Edit: I accidently hit Post before typing this in: Well I just slopped this out hoping you could give me some more detail on what you would like as in if you liked this, if you'd rather it be a bit more formal or maybe even a bit more spontaneous.
Do you like the font?
Would you like me to change the wording color?
This is not homework, Its a volunteer arrangement where my bro is the article writer/publisher :P I have no personal benefits of this work at all. Just want to help out.

Also varkenvoss, thats worse than horrible.

And just the text mentioned, nothing else.
Last edited by Ezeth; Feb 10, 2010 at 01:40 AM.
You didn't tell me what you wanted it to look like, so could you maybe describe what colors you want used, or maybe a type of design or style? I wasn't sure if I should go all out with all detail because I didn't want to spend like 3 hours and have you tell me it sucks, like you just did, so I spent like 10 minutes on it.

I don't want any flashy pen design, I want some simple stuff that will fit into a school newspaper.

This is everything you need to know about the design. I didn't mention color or design because this is pretty much a freestyle request. If you can't handle critizisement you were never ment to be working in photoshop, or gimp W/e.

A protip is to learn the program well before starting requests.
Last edited by Ezeth; Feb 10, 2010 at 02:05 AM.