Original Post
Legends Workshop
  1. Welcome to the legends workshop, a place to buy textures similar in style to the great legendary artists that have left toribash. only the best have been chosen to fill their shoes. without further ado, here are the legends and their honoring artists:

Tompaine worker: Deridor

Tompaine, one of the best texturers of all time, is a tough challenge to mimic. I will do my best to fill his place while he is away (you know you cant stay away forever, Tom).

premade examples:

Mrama workers: Dragoblade

(awaiting quote from artist)
premade examples: (coming soon)
premade examples: (coming soon)

Fawflaw worker: Pigking45 (not sure if fawflaw is gone. please can someone inform me if he is or not)

premade examples: (coming soon)
Universal request form:
Legend: the great artist you want

Worker: who you want to make the texture (this is really only for the artists with more than one specific style, like Mrama)

Type: set, head, etc..

Detail: explain EXACTLY what you want here

Price range: What you're willing to pay (expect some haggling from the artists, especially Deridor)

Random useful facts
-prices are usually cheaper than the original legend
-send ALL tc to legendsbot. send items to the worker who you request from (not the legend). if offering tc+item, send tc to legendsbot and item to worker
-Deridor (not sure about the other workers) accepts items and trades for authentic heads made by the legendary artists. just offer
- DO NOT insult the workers.if you doubt our skill, request something. we will only charge you if you like the head and want to buy it.

-DO NOT INSULT THE LEGENDS! This will result in a permanent ban from this shops services!
Last edited by legendsbot; Feb 14, 2010 at 12:00 PM.
hmm... what dont you get? ill try to be more clear. were selling textures that are as similar as possible to the style of the legendary artist who has left. basically were continuing their legend, making it possible to still get new textures at least close to what they could do before they left. for example, mrama is gone. you cant request a new texture from him. but come to us and we'll do our best to make you what you want as close to the quality he had as possible. this is a tribute to the greatest artists ever to work in this community. of course, it may take a while to find people good enough to fill their shoes. for anyone who wants to join, pm me with an example of what you can do (in the style of the artist you want to work as). at the end of each week (13-16 am gmt sunday) the tc will be split equally between all workers.

Originally Posted by deridor View Post
hmm... what dont you get? ill try to be more clear. were selling textures that are as similar as possible to the style of the legendary artist who has left. basically were continuing their legend, making it possible to still get new textures at least close to what they could do before they left. for example, mrama is gone. you cant request a new texture from him. but come to us and we'll do our best to make you what you want as close to the quality he had as possible. this is a tribute to the greatest artists ever to work in this community. of course, it may take a while to find people good enough to fill their shoes. for anyone who wants to join, pm me with an example of what you can do (in the style of the artist you want to work as). at the end of each week (13-16 am gmt sunday) the tc will be split equally between all workers.

k just put some examples quick
you might have to wait a little while for examples of other legend fill-ins. ill get to work on more examples for tom soon. the first one is crappy, but then again its free ^_^

lol sure but wait for me to get some more examples first please xD it shouldnt take more then a few days. then ill pm you the flat lol