Original Post
[Auction] 2 Heads made by Maniaco
Hello guys i'm actioning these heads that i've made.
lets go then.

1- Red Cartoon-ish/viridian cartoon-ish

Starting Bid = 1k
Minimun Raise = 500 TC
Auto buy = 3500 TC
End date = 24 hours after the last valid bid
Leader = JoaoPC with 1k

2- Blue Cartoon-ish head texture

Starting bid = 1k
Minimun Raise = 500 TC
Auto Buy = 4k
End Date = 24 Hours after the last valid bid

recolor is available for both

happy bidding!!

Last edited by Immotay; Feb 17, 2010 at 05:28 AM.
Originally Posted by HidanX View Post
Really nice heads,what do you use?


Originally Posted by EckoJR View Post
Pls Sell for me 1k 500 for Blue head

if no one bids in 24 hours it will be yours,