Original Post
20k head texture request
Hi. My request is, can someone remake my current head texture in 512 x 512 pixels?

I would do this myself, except I used the cookie cutter tool from photoshop elements to make this head back when I borrowed the school laptop... Which I do not have now. Obviously, just resizing my current head texture would make it blurry, which is gay.

I'll send my current 128 x 128 texture to you if you think you can do this (or you can just /dl sheczudio, /lp 1 etc).


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DsNub, you just resized it and slimmed the mouth... The bit around the eyes is all blurry. Thanks for trying, but it's not good enough.
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Ive done it (GOOD QUALITY) But for some reason only the middle of the head showed up in the preview
Ultimate Old Beast Set
<DrunkenMonkey> I don't see anything wrong with c&p as long as it looks good
Thanks BRVitorBR, but I got someone to do this for me already.
I have to say, you did a good job though.

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