Original Post
MrTickle's shop (looking for partner/s)

Hi guys welcome to my shop!
I specialise in quality signatures with style.

below you will find a few examples of my work.
All normal signatures are 5k but specialised or animated one's can cost from 5 to15k.

I am also loking for partners that do avatars, heads and texture sets. So if you do and you want to join my shop please Pm me.

I also do signature requests.
But please note i do NOT do tori signatures because i do not have shaders. If you still feel inclined in requesting a tori signature, quality may be reduced.
Please fill out the form if you want a request.

1. what style?
2. colours?
3. Name in siggy?(y/n)
4. Price range?
5. Other info?

A few examples of my work can be found below.
Resizes and adding text to images also available for free.



Animated Siggy (Time differing available)


another animated siggy can be found here

Fireyes and Aprintice Avatars

some of the works of art can be found below.

Just fill out this form for an avvy
1. what style?
2. colours?
3. Name in avvy?(y/n)
4. Price range?
5. Other info?

and e will get back to you asap.
Last edited by MrTickle; Feb 21, 2010 at 03:52 AM.
~Spot reserved for shop~

In Progress

Satisfied customers

As insentive to get the shop going, the first request will be free!!
Last edited by MrTickle; Feb 19, 2010 at 06:48 AM.
1. what style? some abstract art
2. colours?toxic, void, orc
3. Name in siggy?(y/n)JumalanKasi
4. Price range?it would be free, its first?
5. Other info?animated
yeah hi fireeyes, I saw yesterday that you were banned (non existing) and i thought that was weird. Do you mind posting some of your work?

Jumalankasi I'm on it!

EDIT: done I hope you like it....
link to image here the file is too larg to upload
comment if you would like anything changed..
Last edited by MrTickle; Feb 18, 2010 at 10:37 PM.
My examples are in the thread.
Please go through every pages to see them.
I have only 1 prob.
I don't have shaders.(hhu80 takes screenshot for me with shaders so no probs)
I can't make animation but can make tori siggys and avatars.
Originally Posted by MrTickle View Post
yeah hi fireeyes, I saw yesterday that you were banned (non existing) and i thought that was weird. Do you mind posting some of your work?

Jumalankasi I'm on it!

EDIT: done I hope you like it....
link to image here the file is too larg to upload
comment if you would like anything changed..

i do like it text is a little too simple but if you dont got time, no need to change
try this and tell me wat you think.....

Fireeye's If you dont mind I might put you at head of doing avatars, and i will give you a partner also.

so that means siggys and avvys and done we just need a texturer.