Original Post

Originally made by 8OJ4N
SOld to: hopeman2

Originally made by:Shlyapo
Sold to Kaito92

originally made by zanzaba
Starting bid:500tc
Min raise:100tc

if you buy this you will have this also for free
originally made by ninjatori
Starting bid:500TC
Min raise:500tc

originally made by :venom/HavokFX
starting bid:100tc
Min Raise:100tc
all bids ends 24 hours after last bid

Originally made by:raiden
Starting bid 500tc
Min raise:100tc
all of them are in 128x128
Last edited by sprytryne; Feb 22, 2010 at 12:00 PM.
Edit 1st one.
Give a space in it.
Its became a smiley
also change price of ninja tori's head.
U gave autobuy 200 TC,
I think it should me 2000 TC
ALso I bid 100 for that ninjatori's head.
autobuy the second than i send you 2000 tc
please say me how send u the toricredit... thx
Last edited by Kaito92; Feb 21, 2010 at 01:40 AM.
Originally Posted by Kaito92 View Post
autobuy the second than i send you 2000 tc
please say me how send u the toricredit... thx

Pm ed you