Original Post
[R]equest: GUI textures, 20k
Hello, i'm requesting full gui textures. i'll be paying 20k.

must have:
-bright colors
-be random
-have the title say "Manliest Rainbow" or '1337 r41nb0w"

-my tori
-the splatter

i want it to be unique, and insane. and to resemble something like my avvy and siggy, or my set, GO GO GO

Last edited by Bio; Feb 20, 2010 at 02:24 AM.
could you change the logo to a rainbow with clouds? and take off the "insane perfected"

i'll go ahead and send the tc, when you finish send me the files for it. thanks.
Last edited by Bio; Feb 20, 2010 at 08:59 AM.