Original Post
Selling set
Ok guyz im selling this set

Well im selling it very cheap.

Starting Bid: 4k
Min Raise : 500 tc
Auto Buy : 13k

GL, Offer

“This was made by JumalanKasi
Last edited by BirdFluBank; Feb 26, 2010 at 02:35 AM.
BirdFlu's storage and sales account

3. If you're reselling a set that someone other than yourself made, it's fine, as long as you credit the original owner. For example “This was made by [Orignal Artist]” is sufficient.

thats quote from rules
This set is worth the maximum of 12k
You can easily see the huge amount of a bumpmap effect on it
The head is an absolutely disaster,too many spikes,looks like it's just smudged
the torso parts are horrible simply because
it has that diamond like thingo n the sides and it looks bad.
Tint is sex.