Original Post
Today I was fastjousting on my private server then came nirs and ban me for 1 day the server was open for every1 and i was playing with random ppl.
Ofc I was winning cuz of lack of experience of those ppl.
He gave me ban and told to stay away from fastjoust. Is it real farming? Imho is was just using my booster. So please make farming definition clear.
Last edited by Fee; Mar 2, 2010 at 11:31 PM.
Fast joust is a farming mod like most jousting do something slow alot like wushu or something so i agree with Nirs.
Sold my dog to join RRO
Originally Posted by Nirs View Post
how many wins per day do you have?

Lower than you'd think but with a 250x booster it adds up to a lot of tc.

Amazingly the average amount of wins per day is over 5x what was being won before the booster... Amazing how people suddenly get good at the game when a booster's involved! ;)

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
Lower than you'd think but with a 250x booster it adds up to a lot of tc.

Amazingly the average amount of wins per day is over 5x what was being won before the booster... Amazing how people suddenly get good at the game when a booster's involved! ;)

Juice good! Make strong! :P

Its obvious that most of ppl want to use their booster as much as they can.
But ok i wont joust anymore btw will I get farmer achievement ?

And Nirs, you was just looking for farmers or some1 reported me?
It's answered, if you need anymore information contact Nirs personally. I'm sure he'll be glad to provide.
Originally Posted by Hongman View Post
Its obvious that most of ppl want to use their booster as much as they can.

There's no need for people to abuse boosters. A 250x booster will easily get an average player 12.5k a day, good players will get 25k + in a day. Since textures are cheap now, and the majority of items can be bought off other users for next to nothing you could get fully kitted out in 2 days.

However people who take the piss & abuse the boosters end up with nothing because illegitimately earned credits & QI are removed from the account. They also end up banned, so they've not only wasted their money - they also wasted their time.

You're lucky, IMO your use wasn't severe enough to provoke any stripping. Emphasis on 'lucky' - if your wins had been higher I wouldn't have thought twice about it.

Originally Posted by Hongman View Post
btw will I get farmer achievement ?

No. I only issue that to people who get their account stripped & a long ban. It's not something you want anyway, it's like having "PRICK" tattooed on your forehead.

Originally Posted by Hongman View Post
And Nirs, you was just looking for farmers or some1 reported me?

Farming is easy to spot, but I'm guessing you were reported since other users dislike farmers.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you