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[Head][WIP] Fruity robot edit.
Still not sure about some colors and I'd like to edit it more, adding some details on the plates, especially in the front, suggestions?

Actually I am not sure about the mouth, idk if I should remove it and let there be an unique plate or if it should stay there as it is.
Last edited by maldiluna; Mar 2, 2010 at 09:26 PM.
Yeah,it should stay on place.
You can add a soft highlight in front.
Add some shadows btw.
Head is very sexy ^.^
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
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As a general tip I suggest doing GIMP Spinnies without that Color Reducing.

Other than that it looks pretty good, nice work.
Love it, I hope you'll wear it. If something can top your currentone, it's that one. How about trying to add some more texture on the plates? Maybe bumps or rust.
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
Didn't raizor or something like that make this head?

I bought this one a long time ago and I can't really remember who made it ç_ç
I think it was raizor.

Anyway, would be cool if you'd make the front rainbowy as well. And perhaps a tad brighter?
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
there are enough details on there, i would work on making it jump out at you more, gloss a bit here and there.
the back is really nice, but the front has no character. lifeless eyes. and the hydra and sphinx colours dont work for me either. would keep with the cool colours from the back
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