Original Post
arm decap
hey just joined a few days ago and just made an arm decap was wondering what you guys thought of it tips and constructive citisicm welcome!!!!!
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armdecap.rpl (24.4 KB, 25 views)
Heyy fun guy nice vid for a starter!Some constructive critism is don't wait to get closer move to him if you wait it leaves a boring period to wait for people to turn it off.Try to land in a good pose it'l earn you some great style points!(Just to get you up on your lingo decap is short for decapitation as in ripping some ones head off arms and legs are not decaps ok? don't u 2 get burned by all the jerks out there!) PS personal message me if you need anything k?
Uber l Flawed texturer l l Yoink! l l
I'm not into constructive criticism when it comes to judging beginners' replays so overall, they're kinda okay, for a beginner. Try to move more joints to add in more momentum and speed. Like what killervan said, strike a pose to add a bit of style. You could also try and break dance to a pose for even more. Again, overall they're okay, 6/10.
GMT +8:00
It's pretty good for your rank but, you gotta use relax more and use torso.
Just here to become TA,yet why do i try, I TRY SO I CAN BE A FUCKIN TA
if you dont mind id like to judge this with universal standard.
btw it also kinda bugs me when people call replays "vids"

ok well it was just a simple pec dm and you still had to grab.
you moved uke when you didnt need to.
too slow
too simple
i could go on but i wont and heres the verdict 1/10

also a decap is the removal of the head
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
Well lets all remember that decap is dming the head.
And dm is breaking a joint.
Got Cra..i mean uh...Cranberries?