Original Post
Recent bashing of free players
Hey, i have been reading through the forums recently, and people seem to bash players who got 3.0 for free, why? i got 3.0 free, didn't pay for earlier versions, does that make me a blatant spamming idiot?
Seriously, i know that many people who got the game free are complete retards, but don't blame everyone, i recently played on a server, and i said "Nice, they made the game free!" everyone started flaming like a real retard...

So, why all the hate towards free players?
Are we worse than you?
mate i hate to tell you this but you will get that, this isnt the 1st thread that has been started about this kind of thing and there isnt much one can do about, except by beating them into the ground. just ignore what they say and have a good time
Originally Posted by Dexter
if god is with me and if i belived in god and im sure he is in the room with me, i just wish he brought a extention cord

That's exactly what i mean, though about 80% of the free users are idiots, doesn't mean the 20% are too
Whyd you make a useless thread because all we we're talking about was those 80%.. and besides.. I think it should still be p2p.
Why should it still be p2p? you can still support hampa by buying lots of stuff, you know.
And you can get your money back.
I'm not moaning, i'm not bitching, i'm complaining about the fact that too many people are flaming people who got 3.0 for free.
Guys, listen to this guy. Instead of listening to his valid point and not explaining why, once again people decide to act like they're superior.

KFJ, I like a lot of the free players, they can be fun to play with and most servers now have people in them. Although there definitely are a bunch of idiots that didn't buy the game, there are some really good players. Unfortunately that's the same with registered users, except they think that they're far superior to unregistered players, regardless of whether they're cool or skilled at all.

Just like you need to ignore those that haven't registered and are complete idiots, you have to watch out for those that are registered that think they're better because of it.