Sorry, not good.

Instagib (sword/lightsaber/etc) mods take no skill to use and your replay honestly showed none.

"CAPOERA" was pretty clumsy.

Practice more. 3/10.
Originally Posted by gioff View Post
Sorry, not good.

Instagib (sword/lightsaber/etc) mods take no skill to use and your replay honestly showed none.

"CAPOERA" was pretty clumsy.

Practice more. 3/10.

I could personaly care less if YOU like me or not, and I never asked you guys to rate this stuff.
Just watch it, and tell me what I'm doing wrong, not any of the "1/10" stuff.

Heres my sword dodge, THIS was skilled, eh gioff?
Attached Files
reversal.rpl (44.2 KB, 25 views)
Saber spin was like, eww. Stiff movement, low skill and an instagib mod...
Try to avoid using instagib mods, and try making your movement more fluid.

CAPOERA was better. Although more fluid, there were too many static periods,
and the kick was a little late. But keep going with this style! ^_^

Edit: Reversal was pretty good. Nice style, and not very stiff. BUT, you used
an instagib mod... Although it's not bad in this case
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by shook View Post
Saber spin was like, eww. Stiff movement, low skill and an instagib mod...
Try to avoid using instagib mods, and try making your movement more fluid.

CAPOERA was better. Although more fluid, there were too many static periods,
and the kick was a little late. But keep going with this style! ^_^

Edit: Reversal was pretty good. Nice style, and not very stiff. BUT, you used
an instagib mod... Although it's not bad in this case

Thank you shook, and whats an "instagib" mod?
An instagib mod is a mod that makes one or more of your bodyparts instagib...
And instagib means that the slightest touch will break Ukes joint instantly.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
If you post a replay, you open it up to criticism and/or ratings. Stop whining.

Sword dodge was slightly better, but still IMO not good enough to warrant posting a replay made with instagib. Again, they don't take much skill, so unless it's something really spectacular, stick to empty hand.
This is (SPARTAAAA) a funny one i just made, not supposed to be brutal or nothin' just funny.
Attached Files
LOL.rpl (61.0 KB, 23 views)
None of them were funny, skilled, or worth posting. I want my minute back.
Tripstone says: heh
Tripstone says: clanless sucks
masterjepo says: Evolution isn't any better
masterjepo says: Cave man
Originally Posted by masterjepo View Post
None of them were funny, skilled, or worth posting. I want my minute back.

You know, they allways say, "If you can't say somthin' nice, don't say nothin' at all." ;)