Original Post
[AUC]2 Sets
Min Bid: 10k
Min Raise: 1k

by whirlwindx

Min Bid: 15k
Min Raise: 1k

i can do recolors on this set.


The HEAD textures shown in the previous preview(s) are in 512x512 pixel resolution. In order to use the resolution shown in the preview, you MUST have the corresponding high-resolution texture item, available in the Torishop for 20,000TC.
Last edited by D3CAP; Apr 2, 2010 at 08:36 AM.
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no, the autobuy for the first one was 100k in the original auction. both of these sets are being sold at a discount price, i may lower the minimum bid if it gets more people to bid, but i'm not lowering the autobuys.
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only if they are good items, but i'd much rather take tc. i'm trying to save up for vulcan force and a good relax, if you happen to have vulcan force, i't'd be an autobuy on either one.
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even if you are fireEyes, FireEyesWasHackd has 0 tc, and until you can post with FireEyes, it's not a valid bid because you don't have the tc, sorry. when you get your account back you may bid.
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I'm i hawaii until the first, and i probably won't get online again until i get home, so i changed the end date by 1 day.
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Nice sets you got there, may bid.
Last edited by tarektarek; Mar 28, 2010 at 10:58 AM.
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.