Original Post
Here are my collection of my heads[/img] For 1000 Tc -----------[/img] For 500 Tc ----------------[/img] For 750 Tc --------
-------------------- I will add more when i get more done ---------------------------

Roar! i wish i knew how to make the pictures show up and not the links.....
Last edited by BenDover; Mar 25, 2010 at 04:32 PM.
Put after.

First head is lacking flow and concept. It seems like you planned out the front, then just did the rest to fill in the empty space.
Second head is quite good, but try using a softer brush to shade and raising the eyes up a little.
Third head appears to be brush spam.

Overall, you could use a lot of improvement.Try starting with an idea in your head, and going through with that idea to the best of your ability.

<Phail> Everyone knows GMs can combust your videocard temporarily
<decimat0r1> let those bitches try
read the rules befor posting please.
thread titles need [img] tags.
go read them befor posting another thread.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-