Original Post
[Auction]Military Machine Set

Start Bid : 20k
Min.Raise :1k
Autobuy : 60k
End date : 48 Hour After Last Valid Bid

128x128 Texture preview

The textures shown in the following preview(s) are in 256x256/512x512 pixel resolution. In order to use the resolution shown in the preview, you MUST have the corresponding high-resolution texture item, available in the Torishop for 10,000/20,000TC.
Last edited by Weddark; Apr 2, 2010 at 05:21 PM.
Please add previews showing the textures in 128 x 128 resolution (excluding the head if you add the appropriate disclaimer) within 24 hours or your auction will be closed.
<lumpysolo> ermergerd it's jalis <lumpysolo> love u too jalis <3
<jalis> you are worthless <jalis> ignored for my sanity
Olive into Titan and the more Yellowy colours into Vampire.
If you can do that for me,I bid 45k

btw,everything except the head is in 128x128 on the preview?
Last edited by Praeter; Mar 28, 2010 at 09:23 PM.
Tint is sex.
You know that players only can use 512x512 head...
And the rest just 128x128?
[Piratez] Art/Texture maker
Heavy Metal God

want to see if it's stil ood quality i 128x128]
you're practically scamming people,not mentioning that it's all 512x512.
if i looks bad th my bid isnt valid because the deal was i will bid if you can recolor and if its in 18x128 except for the head.
Tint is sex.