Original Post
Head Texture! Need Pro Artist!
I'm gonna make this quick and straight, so you don't get confused. We all want that.

Okay so, I've decided to change my head texture to suit my username, MrAce. So what I want is an ace of spades on front with the word 'Ace' on it, and a few splotches of blood on it. The word 'Mr' on the top of the card, (So the card would have to leave a bit of space on top) and for the sides and backs I want lots of small and big splotches of blood and some scars. The background will be black.

Prices will be discussed once I have an artist willing to do this job for me.

MrAce's Card Shop, We have what you want! http://forum.toribash.com/market_view.php?id=7442
i know its not exactly what u wanted but i can add things
Last edited by IMking360; Mar 29, 2010 at 06:47 AM.
Lifted + KiwiPie2 + IMKing360
Originally Posted by IMking360 View Post
i know its not exactly what u wanted but i can add things

Hmm, it's somewhat like that, but I want it more like, animated, you know? Plus i don't actually want that I want just the card, with Ace in the middle and... Don't make me repeat myself. It's nice, just not what I'm looking for.
MrAce's Card Shop, We have what you want! http://forum.toribash.com/market_view.php?id=7442
Originally Posted by IMking360 View Post
i know its not exactly what u wanted but i can add things

Nice Copy and Paste
I like doing art and stuff| GATA |... My Deviant Art Http://Riqochaii.Deviantart.com/
Originally Posted by MrAce View Post
I'm gonna make this quick and straight, so you don't get confused. We all want that.

Okay so, I've decided to change my head texture to suit my username, MrAce. So what I want is an ace of spades on front with the word 'Ace' on it, and a few splotches of blood on it. The word 'Mr' on the top of the card, (So the card would have to leave a bit of space on top) and for the sides and backs I want lots of small and big splotches of blood and some scars. The background will be black.

Prices will be discussed once I have an artist willing to do this job for me.

Originally Posted by tarektarek View Post
First of all, you should say how much you are willing to pay.

Tarek , Maybe they didn't teach you how to read properly but I will make the sentence he said about the prices in bolt.

Did you read it now ?

Either way C&P is not a bad job aslong it looks good .
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
Originally Posted by tarektarek View Post
No, he added that afterwards. I am positive it wasn't there.

I did not add that afterwards, I had not made an edit to this post since the day it was added. You either simply misread it or either didn't read it at all.

But if you are interested in the job, then you will have to PM me about it.

MrAce's Card Shop, We have what you want! http://forum.toribash.com/market_view.php?id=7442
/invade he never edited that post, I have seen this when it was first posted and I read the whole tthing and that was there the whole time.
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