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[img] Bio's portfolio (56k warning)
so yeah, after about 3 months i finally got off my lazy ass and accumulated enough boredom and made a new set. i might keep it, i might sell it, depends. C&C would be greatly appreciated, the head is with the 256 head texture

sad lizard head, try to practice more on cartoony-ness

i'll be wearing this for awhile, so just /dl and /lp me if you wanna see closer up much better ingame.
256x256 preview, tbh i think this is my best head eva.
128x128 preview
last i checked it was owned by trials, but i think he said he doesn't wear it anymore.
i lost track of who owns this :S

owned by mistikal
not sure who owns this now, if anyone does, last i checked xtreme had it, not sure though.
hand request i did for r4ff to match his set
a realism head i tried, not owned
Last edited by Bio; Apr 13, 2010 at 05:17 AM.
this thread has nothing to do with my rainbow set. any mention and i will shoot you down in this thread :| but thanks, but no CC ? :C
You should definitely try and put more work into the biceps, triceps and the front of the set. I love the back of it and the front seems so bare and plain compared. 8/10
"We are the music-makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."
Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy
Pretty generic robot, but at the same time you managed to throw your own style in there. Not a big fan of the colors, but you pulled it off quite well.


EDIT: Just for clarification, this was for one set before it became a portfolio.
Last edited by oyster; Apr 7, 2010 at 05:04 AM.
back from the dead
They are all good technically, but most of them lacks interesting details and makes them boring to look at. If you use stronger colors and add more variation it will be a lot more interesting.
I really like the aquarian ghost one. And the purple. I think the first set is not that good though, its kind of too plain. But still very good
My name's Mr. Cupcake.