My style (although I haven't posted any yet, I do have a few madmans) is usually a bit showy over being fast or having loads of dismembers; I try to punt or throw limbs as much as possible even if it costs me frames.
starting out slow usually crouch down then jump at the opponent start with dismembering a arm to make uke relax then i do a kick and from there i usually style a little. throw him up the air, catch him again and make a knee kick and such stuff until the end wear i decap him if he still got his head on.
Brutal style, that's me :3
I also usually start with some kind of pose, to get some extra "Oomph" to the initial
attack, and to get some momentum to keep the dismembers going...
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
i use hands more than legs. i also like using momentum, like swinging uke from one extreme to the other, just to kick him in the head. i wow to always follow my madman rules (found on "arghumba - my madmans"... don't post there if u don't wanna bump it, i just don't wanna write that much stuff here). i also try to keep it so that tori wouldn't DQ, just for style.

i like having themes, like doing gymnastics or running to reach uke, splitting him and demolishing both parts simultaneously, or starting with, say a boxing move
I refuse to grab.
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first i remove the arms and abs, lumbar or chest and finish with a upper-body madman
Start out with a nice kick or punch that either splits or decaps and then just get everything apart by making the uke hit your arms and legs at high speeds so its body parts just fly off. But i never really suceed because i cannot figure out how to do the ripping limbs apart by grabbing so instead i rip limbs apart by hitting.