Original Post
Toribash game on sploder

Sploder is an online game maker which is pretty simple to use. You have the option of making a platformer game or a ship/ robot game using various blocks.
My account on sploder is also incocnicto for anyone who wants to know.
I made a Sploder Art Toribash game, which is here.

I am a popular sploder member, look up snoopy,hulk, torture my voodoo doll, very special red dragon etc.

Here is the thumnail pic of my two latest games:

Here is the Toribash game- The figure is the default Tori

Look at the button left of the screen to see the controls

You can't rate, but you can comment online on sploder or here!
Tell me what you think of the picture and the idea, IDK about the game, this forum is art remember.

Plz don't be too negative XD.
Black Lives Matter. Smash racism, whatever means necessary.
1. this doesn't even go here.
2. Please read the rules in the art board in the future if you ever do post art. this needs tags, closed.
